I think Tom Brady is getting pumped up for tonight.

Jim Dedmon/USA TODAY Sports
The defending Super Bowl quarterback posted a video to his Facebook page highlighting last year’s Super Bowl and his Super Bowl runs of the past.
With his team set to take on the Pittsburgh Steelers tonight, I’m sure Brady and the gang can’t wait to make their next run (especially after Deflategate). Especially after he had this say at the end of the video:
“I had an equipment manager in college. He had been at Michigan for 25 years or something. He’s got so many Big Ten rings, I mean, he doesn’t have enough fingers for all the rings he’s got. He said, ‘You know, Tom. You know what my favorite ring is?’ And I said, ‘Which one’s that?’ He goes, ‘The next one.’ And now that’s what I think. The next one.”
The Next OneOn to the next one… #Letsgoooooo
Posted by Tom Brady on Thursday, September 10, 2015