We all know the story about how Tom Brady fell to the 6th round in the NFL Draft.

Bruce Kluckhohn/USA TODAY Sports
But did you know that Brady had so much doubt in his mind that he wouldn’t be drafted, that he had a resume ready to submit if he wasn’t drafted.
On Brady’s Facebook page, he posts a “Throwback Thursday” photo of his resume before the 2000 NFL Draft. He’s caption read, “Found my old resume! Really thought I was going to need this after the 5th round.”
So let’s see what Brady had going for him, had he not been drafted or picked up. Hmm, not a whole lot. Besides his stint at Merrill Lynch, his previous two jobs before that were at golf courses, then he did some construction and even some park security. If you read that you’d think he wanted to be more like Jack Nicklaus than Joe Montana.
With his work experience, no wonder the guy had so much drive to make the team. He really had nothing to fall back on.