Last night, the NBA season tipped off with the Dallas Mavericks losing to the San

Kevin Jalraj/USA TODAY Sports
Antonio Spurs on the road. The Mavericks might have lost the game, but Dirk Nowitzki was still a winner that night.
Moral victory? Not so much. You see, Nowitzki’s teammate Chandler Parsons owes him dinner every night they’re on the road this season. That’s a lot of food to feed a man who stands at 7 feet tall.
Don’t believe me? Here’s what Nowitzki had to say:
“I told him every dinner on the road this year is on him,” Nowitzki said, “because it’s my money anyway.”
I know what you’re thinking: What does he mean that it’s his money? Well, from his point of view, it kind of… well, it actually is his.
This summer, Parsons signed a 3-year, $46 million contract with the Mavericks and he has Nowitzki to thank for it.
Why? Because when it was time for Nowitzki to renew his contract, he gave Dallas the hometown deal in order to help bring in a talent like Parsons so that they can remain competitive. That’s pretty nice thing for the big man to do. Especially in an age when athletes are all about money, and care less about the integrity of the game.
Carmelo, LeBron and some other superstars should be taking notes.

Jerome Miron/USA TODAY Sports