Bob Stanton/USA TODAY Sports
Michael Phelps can add another title to his resume, and it doesn’t rhyme with “gold medal”.
Phelps was arrested early Tuesday morning for a DUI in Maryland, when he was clocked going 84 mph in a 45 mph zone. There hasn’t been anything released yet about his blood alcohol level, but regardless, this marks the second time Phelps has been written up for a DUI. In 2004, Phelps received a DUI, in Maryland, and was sentenced to 18 months probation.
On top of the drinking troubles, Phelps challenged his inner Cheech when a photograph of him surfaced taking a hit from a bong and he was then suspended three months from competitive swimming.
It’s still yet to be determined if the winner of 18 gold medals will be suspended, but sponsors such as Kellogg, have already dropped him.
If it were up to me, and I had the type of money that Phelps has, I’d be “Ubering” it all over the place after a cocktail. It would be a shame if Phelps got suspended from competing ever again.