If you’re a kid from the 80s, then you knew to listen to Bo Jackson. Why? Because Bo Knows everything. EVERYTHING.

Mark J. Rebilas/USA TODAY Sports
Russell Wilson is only 25, so I’ll cut him some slack if has no idea what I’m talking about.
Unless you’ve been under a rock or you’re un-American and hate football, you’ll know that Wilson has been spending some time in spring training with the Texas Rangers.
Why would a Super Bowl winning quarterback be turning-two with a bunch of minor league ball players instead of soaking up the sun in Cabo? It’s because he was selected by the Rangers in the Rule 5 draft earlier this offseason and is actually trying to give the whole baseball thing a chance.
Before Wilson became the quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks, and before his time at Wisconsin, Wilson played minor league baseball for a few seasons. But somewhere down the line, it didn’t pan out and he figured football would be the best way to pay the bills. So he went back to school, got selected in the third round of the NFL draft and won a Super Bowl title in his second season in the league. Good call, kid.
But Bo thinks Wilson should keep that mitt on the bench and just focus on football, according to Fox Sports. Why? Not because Bo Knows something we don’t, it’s because Bo said so. No, I’m kidding.
Jackson’s reasons are valid. He mentions the talent pool today is much larger than when he played and if Wilson’s trying to focus on two highly competitive sports at once, he’ll be riding the pine trying to figure things out when another kid is starting over him. Bottom-line, there’s more pressure and competition today than there was in the past.
I understand Wilson’s passion to give baseball another try. But if it didn’t pan out the first time, I’m pretty sure there’s a good chance it won’t a second time.
Who am I kidding, my answer is entirely based on what Bo Jackson says. I’ve been brainwashed since the 80s.