I’m not really sure why I chose to use this painful photo of a Cubs player colliding with a catcher at the plate. Maybe because the pain somewhat symbolizes what Wrigley has had to endure over the past century.

David Banks/USA TODAY Sports
Wrigley Field was built in 1914, so this year marks it’s 100 years in existence. Sadly over those 100 years, it hasn’t seen one World Series championship. The Cubs last World Series win came 105 years ago.
Well, enough of being a Debbie Downer, and happy birthday to you, Wrigley. And to you Cubs players: try to at least have a respectable season this year. Maybe a division title, or a Wild Card or even finishing over .500. I’m afraid to wish for the ultimate title (I can’t even say it), because you already have enough curses and goats going against you.
Happy Birthday, Wrigley. Your ivy is still lookin’ good out there after all these years.