Raj Mehta/USA TODAY Sports
The price for the the Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor Fight has been set.
According to Lance Pugmire of the LA Times, the fight will cost $89.95 for the regular PPV and $99.95 if you want to see it in HD.
The @FloydMayweather @TheNotoriousMMA pay per view price will be $89.95 — same as the Pacquiao fight – $10 more for HD.
— Lance Pugmire (@latimespugmire) July 10, 2017
The Mayweather versus Pacquiao fight in 2015 generated over $410 million dollars and earned Mayweather an estimated $220 million. Not too bad.
The timing for the announcement comes at an interesting time, as it has been reported that Mayweather still owes federal taxes for 2015.
On July 5, Mayweather filed a tax court petition asking the IRS to grant him a temporary reprieve until the fight, where it says, “the taxpayer has a significant liquidity event scheduled in about 60 days from which he intends to pay the balance of the 2015 tax liability due and outstanding.”
It’s not known how much Mayweather owes Uncle Sam, but it’s estimated he will earn around $100 million for the August 26 fight.
I’m assuming that’s more than enough to settle his debt.